Bushi Restaurant
Great ambient and service. Smoking area :-)
87 m from hotel
A guide to great places near Bushi Resort & SPA
The old section of Skopje. It's the most beatiful part of the city with great architecture.
204 m from hotel
Се има вкус како да е правено со многу љубов! Мое омилено е triple mousse chocolate колачето, совршено.
217 m from hotel
Стара скопска чаршија / Skopje Old Bazaar / Çarshia e Vjetër
Try some onion rings, you won't regret :)
228 m from hotel
Old Town Bazzar
Perfect secret garden, excellent service. Brings magic back to the city.
294 m from hotel
Old Bazaar
Dvajca cekavme masa za nadvor kojasto 3ca kelneri ni ja cuvaa. Vo meguvreme dojdoa 4ca i verojatno im se vide mako podobra prilika, i seficata im ja dade masata. Koga se pobunivme dobivme samo drskost
0.8 km from hotel
Плоштад Македонија
Menu of the Day at Gorki. Crusty Cheese Toast-Sandwich with Cranberry Green Salad Cherry Tomato Baked Walnuts and Prosciutto. You must try it.
1.1 km from hotel
Максим Горки